#BringBackOurGirls Welcomes Return Of 3 #ChibokGirls
16 August 2021
The #BringBackOurGirls movement received with joy the return of 3 of our 112 missing #ChibokGirls days ago.
Ruth Ngiladar Pogu and Hassana Adamu returned along with 2 children they bore within the time they were in captivity.
A week earlier, Saraya Musa Mutah was found wandering in the forest. They have since been reunited with their families.
Sadly, for Saraya, she could not meet her father, for he had passed on whilst she was in captivity; 1 of 20 parents who have passed on whilst their daughters have been in captivity, mostly due to heart conditions.
The movement however, takes strong exception to reports in some quarters referring to some individual as the ‘husband’ of Ruth Pogu. As well as references that our #ChibokGirls ‘surrendered’. Such uncouthness and insensitivity stands condemned, as the movement hopes that such errors will be corrected.
We are pleased that these 3 are back and now reunited with their families after 7 long years and call on the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, that seems to have abandoned the cause of our #ChibokGirls, to redouble efforts and return our missing 109 #ChibokGirls still in captivity 7 long years (not forgetting Leah Sharibu, Alice Ngadda, the aid worker, and others in captivity).
We are deeply concerned that 7 years after, the Nigerian government has not been speaking to the parents of the #ChibokGirls on whether there is still a rescue operation. The return of Ruth, Saraya, and Hassan has been shrouded in a lot of opaqueness that projects the usual lack of sensibility, empathy and responsibility on the part of government. Government has a duty to its citizens when things go wrong, citizens are entitled on what government is doing.
The lack of interest in upholding the dignity of human life has brought us to the footstool of global shame. We cannot continue to be a society where the poor are left to their own design. We therefore, remind President Muhammadu Buhari of his solemn declaration in his 2015 inauguration speech that the fight against the terrorists cannot be said to be won until all our #ChibokGirls are back along with others in captivity.
For and on behalf of #BringBackOurGirls